Title I
What is Title I?
Title I at Enka Intermediate School and our goal of improving academic achievement for all EIS students.
Buncombe County School District and Title I empowers every student every day.
Enka Intermediate School’s mission is to deliver a world class education by promoting the highest levels of academic achievement. Title I supports this mission while promoting district goals.
A fundamental belief with both EIS and Title I is that it takes a village to raise a child. Title I promotes community partnerships within the county.
EIS and Title I are also committed to providing the best instructional classrooms for students. Title 1 supports teacher quality through ongoing professional development.
EIS and Title I are committed to setting high expectations and accountability for all.
Title I provides funding for 2 lead teachers, 1 curriculum coach, 4 assistants and 2 tutors. The additional staff helps lower the teacher to student ratio for small group and individual instruction.
Title I comes from the elementary and secondary act of 1965. It used to be known as “No child left behind”.
The purpose of this act is that all students should have a fair, equal and significant opportunity for a high quality education.
Navigate the links on the left sidebar for more information.
We are excited to be a Title I school. Title 1 is a federal program that provides funds for additional personal, instructional materials, professional development opportunities for teachers, and parent involvement events. These help us provide a quality education for all of the students at Enka Intermediate.
Title I provides small group reading instruction during Flight Path time. This is a time when all students receive reading instruction on their reading level. Title 1 teachers, assistants and tutors provide instruction based on needs. Reading specialists plan lessons and prepare instructional materials that strengthen phonics, word work skills, vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension, writing, and book discussions.