Important Dates
Calendar Subject to Change Based on PTO, SIT and School Updates
The following events will be scheduled depending on the school's master calendar and school structure. Occasionally dates will change due to testing windows or unavoidable occurrences. We will do our best to keep the calendar as updated as possible. Dates will change in accordance with any BCS adopted calendar changes.
Family Engagement Dates and Activities
Enka Intermediate School Calendar 23-24
3- SIT Meeting- 8:00 am- PLC Room
9- 5th Grade Transition Google Forms Due
16- 5th Grade Transition 8:00-12:00- Student Last Names (A-L)
17- 5th Grade Transition 8:00-12:00- Student Last Names (M-Z)
21- Calendar Meeting- 8:30 am
25- Meet the Teacher 1:00-3:00
28- 1st Day for Students
4- Labor Day Holiday
5- SIT Meeting 3:30 pm- PLC Room
14- Open House 4:30-6:30
21- Parent Advisory Council Meeting- 4:00-5:00- Ms. Cox's Office
19- Parent Powerschool Info Day/ Mobile Dairy Classroom Presentation- 5th Grade
27-28- 6th Grade Field Trip to Biltmore Estate
28- Parent Advisory Council Meeting- 8:30-9:30 am
29- Jet of the Month Celebration -2:00 pm
2- Teacher Workday
3- Teacher Workday
10-12- 5th Grade Field Trip to Cherokee
13- Fall Pictures
17- EIS Health Fair
24- County Wide Advisory Meeting- Location TBD
27- Jet of the Month Celebration- 2:00 pm
31- Early Dismissal/ End of 9 Wk. Grading Period
7- SIT Meeting- 3:30 pm- PLC Room
9- 5th Awards Ceremony 12:30 pm/ 6th Awards Ceremony- 2:00 pm
10- Veteran's Day Holiday Observed
16- Parent Advisory Council Meeting- 4:00-5:00
22-24- Thanksgiving Break
1- Jet of the Month Celebration- 2:00 pm
5- SIT Meeting- 3:30 pm- PLC Room
20-29- Holiday Break
1- New Year's Day
2- Teacher Workday
3- Starting One School, One Book
15- MLK Holiday
18- Parent Advisory Council- 4:00-5:00
22- End of 1st Semester
23- Teacher Workday
26- Jet of the Month Celebration- 2:00 pm.
31- 5th Awards Ceremony 12:30 pm/ 6th Awards Ceremony- 2:00 pm
2- Closing- One School, One Book
6- SIT Meeting- 3:30 pm- PLC Room
8- Family Night- 4:30-6:30 pm
15- Early Dismissal
23- Jet of the Month Celebration- 2:00 pm
5- Optional Teacher Workday/ SIT Meeting- 3:30 pm- PLC Room
29- Early Dismissal/ End of Nine Wk. Grading Period/ Jet of the Month Celebration- 12:00-1:00 pm.
1-5- Spring Break
9- 5th Awards Ceremony 12:30 pm/ 6th Awards Ceremony- 2:00 pm
10-12- 5th Grade Field Trip to Chimney Rock
23- Early Dismissal
25- Parent Advisory Council Meeting 8:30-9:30 am
26- Jet of the Month Celebration- 2:00 pm.
7- SIT Meeting- 3:30 pm- PLC Room
15- Early Dismissal
16- Parent Advisory Council Meeting- 4:00-5:00
27- Memorial Day Holiday
31- Jet of the Month Celebration- 2:00 pm
4- SIT Meeting- 3:30 pm- PLC Room
7- 5th Awards Ceremony 12:30 pm/ 6th Awards Ceremony- 2:00 pm
10- Early Dismissal/ Last Day for Students