PTO Board Members

PTO Meetings

PTO By-laws

Article 1: PURPOSE
a) The purpose of the Enka Intermediate School Parent Teacher Organization (EIS PTO) is to enhance and support the educational experience at Enka Intermediate School, to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parental involvement, and to improve the environment at Enka Intermediate School through volunteer and financial support.
b) The organization is organized exclusively for the charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code (hereinafter referred to as “Internal Revenue Code”).

Article 2: POLICIES
a) The organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.
b) The organization shall work with the Buncombe County Schools, EIS administration, and community to provide quality education for all EIS students.
c) The organization shall work to promote the health and welfare of all EIS students and shall seek to promote collaboration between parents, school leaders, and community at large.
d) No part of the net earnings of this organization shall be to the benefit of its members, directors, trustees, officers, or other private persons except that the organization shall be authorized to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered when said services comply with the purpose of the organization.
e) The organization or members in their official capacities shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene in any way in any political campaign.
f) The organization or members in their official capacities shall not endorse a commercial entity or engage in activities not related to promoting the purpose of the organization.

a) Membership is voluntary and open, without discrimination, to parents/guardians, staff members, and teachers of students enrolled at EIS.
b) EIS PTO shall conduct a membership drive at the start of each school year, but may admit individuals to membership at any time.
c) Only members whose dues are current shall be entitled to participate or be eligible to vote in the business meetings of the general membership including the election of officers.
d) The membership year of EIS PTO shall begin July 1 and end the following June 30.
e) Membership dues are $5.00 per person, per year. All funds from the membership dues will go directly to supporting the purpose of EIS PTO.

a) The Board shall consist of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, volunteer coordinators (one from each feeder school), and special funding coordinator.
b) Any PTO member in good standing may become an officer of the PTO.
c) No PTO member shall serve in more than one elected position at a time.
d) Elected officers shall be empowered to cast equal voting rights during PTO Board meetings. 
e) The Principal (or representative) as well as an elected representative from the teaching staff will attend meetings to assist and monitor in planning activities.
f) Officers shall be elected annually in the month of May.
g) When there is only one nominee for an office, the election may be held by voice. If there is more than one nominee for an office, election for that office must be written ballot.
h) Officers shall assume their duties following the close of the regular school year, and shall serve a term of two (2) years.
i) The outgoing Board and the newly accepted officers shall have a combined meeting in June so as to provide an orderly transfer of responsibility.
j) A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by majority vote of the remaining members of the Board.
k) Officers may be removed for failure to perform duties or for unethical or criminal behavior by a two-thirds vote of the Board. Failure to attend three consecutive meetings may, at the option of the Board, be grounds for removal. Due notice in writing shall be given to the officer before the removal is voted upon.
l) Special committees may be appointed by the President when such committees are deemed necessary by the Board or the general membership.

Shall be the principal executive officer of the organization and oversee the Board and the direction of the membership. Responsibilities of the President shall include, but are not be
limited to the following:

  • Attend all PTO meetings.

  • Will post the regular meeting agenda prior to the meeting.

  • Execute usual powers of supervision and management as pertaining to the office of the President and performs such other duties as may be designated by the Board.

  • Act as a liaison between the PTO and the school administration for any matters pertaining to, but not limited to, the PTO and its activities.

  • Preside at all meetings of the PTO Board and the membership.

  • Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the PTO and shall retain all committee reports.

  • Review all information distributed by PTO committees prior to approval by the school administration.

  • Represent the PTO at all 

President and shall also assume duties as assigned by the President. Responsibilities of the Vice President shall include, but are not be limited to the following:

  • Attend all PTO meetings.

  • Assist the President and Board as needed.

  • Will preside at all meetings in which the President is unable to attend.

  • Participate in all fund-raising activities.

  • Deliver to the successor in office, all records in his/her possession at the end of term.

Responsibilities of the Secretary shall include, but are not be limited to the following:

  • Attend all PTO meetings.

  • Record the official minutes of meetings and submits minutes to the Board within five days following a meeting.

  • Post the minutes for public viewing after Board approval.

  • Maintain a reference binder of all previous meeting minutes, as well as materials distributed at each meeting.

  • Maintain a record of meeting attendees.

  • Help with PTO correspondence as needed.

  • Participate in all fund-raising activities.

  • Deliver to the successor in office, all records in his/her possession at the end of term.

Responsibilities of the Treasurer shall include, but are not be limited to the following:

  • Attend all PTO meetings.

  • Prepare monthly financial reports and submit to the Board.

  • Prepare school year budget with president

  • Maintain accurate documentation of all PTO monies and disbursements.

  • Coordinate check requests and process accordingly.

  • Deposit all monies received by PTO.

  • Participate in all fund-raising activities

  • Prepare federal tax forms as required by the IRS.

  • Provide assistance to an audit committee upon request.

  • Deliver to the successor in office, all records in his/her possession at the end of term.

E. VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR (up to four, one from each feeder school)
Responsibilities of the Volunteer Coordinator shall include, but are not be limited to the following:

  • Attend all PTO meetings.
     Initiate letter to all parents/guardians of students at EIS concerning volunteer opportunities. Such letter should be sent out at the beginning of every school year.

  • Compile and maintain a list of available volunteers. Including name, phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, and areas of volunteer interest.

  • Be knowledgeable of Buncombe County Schools volunteer policies and provide volunteer guidelines to all volunteers.

  • Coordinate volunteers for PTO functions, classroom needs, and school events as needed.

  • Distribution of the above-stated duties will be decided upon by ALL of the Volunteer Coordinators. Volunteer Coordinators should be in agreement with distribution of duties. If an agreement cannot be reached, President will be called upon to distribute such duties.

  • All personal information concerning volunteers shall be kept confidential (i.e. phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses.)

  • Participate in all fund-raising activities.

  • Deliver to the successor in office, all records in his/her possession at the end of term.

F. SPECIAL FUNDING COORDINATOR (a/k/a Box Top Coordinator)
Responsibilities of the Special Funding Coordinator shall include, but are not be limited to the following:

  • Attend all PTO meetings.

  • Manage “Box Tops 4 Education” program including distributing Box Top sheets to all classrooms, collecting completed Box Top sheets monthly, and assembling Box Tops sheets to mail to Box Tops 4 Education.

  • Manage “Ingles Tools for Schools” including collecting card numbers and entering numbers into system provided.

  • Participate in all fund-raising activities.

  • Deliver to the successor in office, all records in his/her possession at the end of term.

Should any of these positions need revision, the Board reserves the right to amend if two-thirds of Board members are present and motion is carried with a majority vote.

Article 6: MEETINGS
a) Regular general membership meetings shall be scheduled by the Board and held at least three times during each school year. Public notice of meetings must be given at least five day priors to the general membership stating the date, time, and location of the meetings. One regular meeting must be held in May for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports of officers, and for any other business that may arise.
b) The Board shall meet on a monthly basis. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. Meetings may be held by electric conference when all members have access.

a) A tentative budget shall be drafted in June for each school year and approved by a majority vote of the Board present.
b) PTO Board reserves the right to revise the annual budget following major fundraisers and/or due to unplanned expenditures. Revisions must be carried with a majority vote
allowing that two-thirds of Board is present at meeting.
c) The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of any disbursements, income, and bank information.
d) Two signatures are required for all checks. The designated signers shall be the president, vice president, and treasurer.

a) The purpose of the conflict of interest policy is to protect this tax-exempt organization’s interest when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of an officer or director of the organization or might result in a possible excess benefit transaction. This policy is intended to supplement, but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations.
b) A conflict of interest occurs when our personal interests interfere in any way, or even appear to interfere, with the interests of the organization, Board, staff, general membership, or volunteers. Personal interests may include, but are not limited to, outside activities, financial interests, or personal relationships.
c) A conflict of interest occurs when a member participates in decision-making about a matter that may benefit that member, or someone with whom that member has a close personal relationship, directly or indirectly, regardless of the size of that benefit.
d) To avoid any conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest which could tarnish the reputation of EIS PTO as well as undermine the public’s trust, it is expected that members

  • Avoid any activity or outside interest which conflicts or appears to conflict with the best interest of EIS PTO including involvement with a current or potential vendor, grantee, or competing organization unless disclosed to and not deemed to be inappropriate in writing by the Board.

  • Decline any gift, gratuity, or favor except for promotional items of nominal value.

  • Refrain from influencing the selection of staff, consultants, or vendors who are relatives or personal friends or affiliated with, employ, or employed by a person with whom they have a relationship that adversely affects the appearance of impartiality.

  • Board should annually file a disclosure of all known potential conflicts of interest if in any exist.

  • Should not knowingly take any action, or make any statement, intended to influence the conduct of EIS PTO in such a way to confer any financial benefit on themselves, their immediate family members or any organization in which they or their immediate family members have a significant interest as stakeholders, directors or officers.

  • Disclose all known conflicts or potential conflicts of interest in any matter before the Board, if they are Board members, or any committee upon which they serve and withdraw from the meeting room during any discussions, review, and voting in connection with such matter. The minutes of the meeting shall show that that the individual declared a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest and left the meeting prior to any discussion, review, and voting.

a) All fundraising projects must be approved by the PTO Board with a two-thirds majority vote.
b) All fundraising ideas must be presented in written form, outlining all details involved. Such document shall be distributed to all PTO Board members.
c) All monies collected during any fundraising project MUST be counted by at least two people (one PTO Board member is required). All monies must be counted by both persons in the same room and verified by signature of both persons. There shall be no exception to this rule. All monies must be dated and signed by both persons and presented either to the bank for deposit or to the treasurer. If money is directly
deposited by one of the counters, original stamped deposit slip must be surrendered in 48 hours to the treasurer.
d) Any activity with raffle tickets, drawings, or top-selling students must be verified by a non-biased third party. No counter may turn in raffle tickets, monies, or any related item on the last day of the count or the last day of count for the current week. No
counter or persons involved may disclose current high selling student information to anyone. If counter for current day has a student involved in fundraising event, counter agrees to allow the other counter to deal with their student’s classroom collection
e) All drawings selections, etc. must always be performed openly and must take place at a scheduled school event. In no situation will the PTO Board or others be allowed to draw or pick winners in a closed door situation. If event needs to be canceled, drawing
will be rescheduled.

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are consistent with these By-Laws.

Article 11: AMENDMENTS
a) By-Laws should be reviewed during the June Board meeting with both outgoing and incoming officers.
e) By-Laws may be amended at any regular scheduled Board meeting with two-thirds officers present, carried by a majority vote.