Our School

In 1956 three schools, Haw Creek, Fairview and Oakley, consolidated to make a new school. In 1976 a new building (our current building) was erected across the street. The high school moved into the new building and the original building became the middle school. The school was named for former principal and superintendent A.C. Reynolds.

Alonzo Carlton Reynolds, or A.C. as he was better known, began a 53 year career in education as a teacher in a one-room schoolhouse in Sandy Mush at age 19. A graduate of Weaver and Peabody Colleges, Reynolds taught for more than a dozen years until he was appointed president of the former Rutherford College (1902-1905). He then became the Superintendent of Buncombe County Schools (1905-1912) until he was tapped as president of the young Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School (1912-1920), now Western Carolina University. In 1920, he began service as the superintendent of Haywood County Schools (1920-1924) and later served a second term as superintendent of Buncombe County Schools (1926-1933).