The A.C. Reynolds choral program is under the direction of Phillip Haynie, who has been the choral director at ACRHS since 2012. Mr. Haynie graduated from Charles D. Owen High School and holds both a Master of Music in Music Performance and a Bachelor of Music in Music Performance with a concentration in choral conducting from Lee University. He is also an active professional chorister and soloist and has been featured with the Asheville Symphony Chorus, Asheville Lyric Opera, Asheville Choral Society, Carolina Concert Choir, Hendersonville Symphony, Spire Chamber Ensemble, Tennessee Chamber Chorus, Chattanooga Choral Arts Society, and the Santa Fe Desert Chorale.

Choral Director Phillip Haynie
Chorus classes are offered at the beginning, intermediate, proficient, and advanced levels, by way of Beginning Chorus, Mixed Chorus, Chorale, and Madrigal Singers.
Beginning Chorus: These courses provide beginning instruction focusing on individual vocal techniques and basic music literacy. These classes are a one-semester commitment and are offered in the fall and in the spring. Two evening performances are required of these choruses during after-school hours, and attendance is mandatory.
Mixed Chorus: An intermediate level chorus with emphasis on performance, music literacy, and vocal technique. Mixed Chorus studies literature at the intermediate level as outlined by the state. Two evening performances per semester are required during after-school hours, and attendance is mandatory. This ensemble also participates in Large Ensemble Music Performance Adjudication each spring. Year-round enrollment is required, and students in this ensemble are required to purchase concert attire. Prerequisites for this class are prior participation in another middle or high school choir or an established community choir, and a recommendation from a previous choral director.
Chorale: This chorus is a year-round honors class whose members are chosen by audition only. The class focuses on music literacy and studies literature at the proficient and advanced levels as identified by the state. When notified of acceptance, the student must enroll for both semesters of the school year. This group performs publicly throughout the year, auditions and participates in All County Chorus, Honors Chorus, and various choral festivals, as well as Large Ensemble Music Performance Adjudication each spring. There are numerous after-school obligations, and attendance at all functions is mandatory. Additionally, each student is required to purchase performance attire.
Madrigal Singers: This is an advanced chamber group of 16 students who have already been accepted into and are current members of Chorale. Madrigal Singers participate in all events with Chorale, as well as several extra performances throughout the year. Extra after-school rehearsals are required for this ensemble, and Madrigal Singers also participate in the Solo/Small Ensemble Music Performance Adjudication in the spring.

Chorale at NCMEA H.S. Choral Large Ensemble MPA

Madrigal Singers at Biltmore House Candlelight Christmas Evening

Mixed Chorus at NCMEA H.S. Choral Large Ensemble MPA