24-25 Budget - Fundraiser Goals
Fall Fundraiser $35,000.00
Spring Fundraiser $30,000.00
Needy Children's Fund (Restricted)
Other Fundraisers
Interest Income $13.00
Total Expected Gross Income $65,013.00
Cost of Fundraisers:
Fall Fundraiser Expenses $8,000.00
Spring Fundraiser Expenses $10,000.00
Total Fundraising Expenses $18,000.00
PTO Administrative Expenses: $1,125.00
General Insurance $375.00
Banking Fees $350.00
Supplies $400.00
Hospitality Expenses: $7,050.00
Kindergarten Registration Lunch $500.00
Hot Chocolate Day (PBIS) $250.00
Back to School Breakfast - Staff $800.00
Teacher Appreciation Week $4,000.00
Sympathy Fund $300.00
General Hospitality Fund (Extras) $1,000.00
Soup Day for Staff $200.00
School Assistance Expenses: $5,930.00
Teacher of the Year $100.00
Assistant Teacher of the Year $50.00
Ink/Toner for school $1,500.00
Technology Funds $3,000.00
School Beautification $200.00
Kindergarten Registration Incentives $100.00
Art Framing $150.00
School Movie License $580.00
Clothes Closet $250.00
Field Trips - $7 per student $4,053.00
School Clubs, Classes, Special Events: $6,400.00
Art Club $100.00
Jump Rope Club $300.00
Field Day $300.00
Battle of the Books T-Shirts & Lunch $200.00
Math Club T-Shirts & Lunch $200.00
Chorus & General Music Funds $300.00
PBIS Rewards $1,500.00
Read A Thon $1,000.00
Cultural Experience $1,000.00
4th Grade Picnic $1,500.00
Mini Grants: $2,015.00
Staff Allotments: $15,912.50